FAMEblog: 2022-2023
Some random thoughts and happenings with FAME- March 16, 2023 Our very own Camp Director, Janice Furtner, is one of this year's Arts United Awards recipient!! January 5, 2023 Dear Teachers, HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all had…
Eastern Europe and Balkans
Eastern Europe and Balkans Listening Link List Instructions Click on the composer in the composer list. You will see a Google page with the composer and lists of his compositions. Example of what your page may look like: You can…
FAMEblog: 2022-2021
(Above painting, "Song of the Towers", by Aaron Douglas, 1934, commissioned by WPA) Some random thoughts and happenings with FAME April 29,2022 The Mayor's Choice exhibit dates have changed - April 21 to May 18, 2022. You have an extra…
FAMEblog: 2020-2021
June 18, 2021 Due to issues resulting from the pandemic, our summer camp is cancelled. See you next year at camp! June 7, 2021 FAME is looking for new Executive Director. -Position filled. June 3, 2021 Statement from the…
Lesson Plans for Planet Earth
in-the-cosmic-flow-planet wire-dream-catcher-wire-dream-catcher welcome-to-my-hive-honeycomb recycled-plastic-collage-recycled-plastic-collage nature-print-silk-suncatchers-nature-print-silk-suncatchers fauvism-is-for-the-birds-fauvist-birdfeeder luminous-fossil-prints-fossils botanical-illustration-botanical-illustration assemblage-art-assemblage-art creative-paper-making-creative-paper-making color-enhanced-plaster-casts-nature-plaster-casts Chime_in_with_Nature cast-handmade-paper-cast-handmade-paper