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FAMEblog: 2022-2023

Some random thoughts and happenings with FAME-

March 16, 2023

Our very own Camp Director, Janice Furtner, is one of this year’s Arts United Awards recipient!!


January 5, 2023

Dear Teachers,

HAPPY NEW YEAR! I hope you all had a much deserved restful break, we see you and we know the importance of what you do and the sacrifices you make for the little humans in our communities. We are counting down to festival week and are enjoying all of the Fusion projects we received. Thank you to all of the teachers who submitted work for this project. There is a lot of emerging talent in your schools and I was thrilled to see how you are fostering it each in your own special way.

We are only 9 (gulp) weeks away from the FAME FESTIVAL. Please be sure to register for visiting artists and to participate in the festival.


Learn more about the many opportunities for your students to engage with FAME programming.
We look forward to partnering with you for the school year.

Have a great day!

Kryste M Wallen
Executive Director

January 1, 2023

November 24, 2022     

Happy Thanksgiving! See our tree in the Embassy’s Festival of Trees. We thank National Life and Valu Teacher for their sponsorship.

Due to changes in the process we were unable to provide tickets for the students to visit the festival this year. In order to offer an opportunity for viewing the tree will be on display after the Festival of Trees at the Auer Center on the Arts Campus.

August 27, 2022

FAME at 2022 Arts United Taste of the Arts

July 20,2022

Video of 2023 FAME Summer Arts Camp at Camp Lutherwald

July 1, 2022

FAME has selected Kryste M Wallen as the new Executive Director.

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