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Teacher’s Closet

FAME has created a Closet of art supplies and materials for area teachers to access when they are under-resourced for their own classrooms. The Closet is located in the FAME office. It consists of the most commonly used art supplies such as crayons, colored markers, paints, colored pencils, paper, brushes, scissors, and molding clay.

There is also a selection of musical instruments available on loan for teachers to borrow for use in their classrooms.

We ask teachers to complete an application describing the reason they are applying, the project they will be doing, the supplies and materials they need, and the date materials are needed. This will allow FAME to ensure resources are available to a broad range of schools throughout the region. It will also allow teachers to request additional or special items that might not be in the inventory of the Closet. We will review the applications and notify the teachers as to their acceptance.  The applications for the Closet are below**-

Teacher’s Closet – Musical Instruments

Teacher’s Closet – Art Supplies

Or you can apply online at Teacher’s Closet.

**Teacher’s Closet requests are not guaranteed. Due to the high volume of requests all submissions will be evaluated once monthly and teachers notified once a decision is made. Please note that requests may also be modified to ensure fairness in distribution of support.





A little information about the FAME Festival

FAME, the Foundation for Art and Music in Elementary Education, was founded in 1986 with the belief that elementary and middle school students need special opportunities outside of school to create, exhibit and perform works of art. What started as the FAME Festial in 1987 is now an acclaimed year-round arts education program for students. Since the first festival in March 1987, FAME has been the largest single event at the Grand Wayne Center.

This year, FAME is celebrating the 38th FAME Festival with

  • “Tides and Tales,” Caribbean countries: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico

.If this is your first or 38th time participating in the FAME Festival… we are so glad you’re here!

The information presented at the Teachers’ Meeting:

Calendar of Events 2024-2025

Teachers Packet 2024-2025

Visiting Artist Packet 2025

Teacher’s Meeting, September 5, 2024

Dear Teachers,

Welcome back! I hope you are all settled back into your classrooms and ready for a great new year. FAME is ready with a new year of exciting programming. We will kick things off with our Teacher’s Meeting on September 5 we hope to see you there. Please RSVP to our office.


  • THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 5:30-7:00PM
  • Appetizers starting at 5:15 PM
  • Location: Hickory Center Elementary


  • Theme:  “Tides and Tales,” Caribbean countries: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Jamaica, and Puerto Rico

Learn more about the many opportunities for your students to engage with FAME programming. We look forward to partnering with you for the upcoming school year.

Have a great day!

Kryste M Wallen
Executive Director


I just saw an article that made me think of a cute mini-lesson. The article said that birds in San Francisco are singing differently because of COVID lockdown. With fewer people out and about the city is quieter, so the male birds are able to sing more quietly, allowing them to expand their pitch range, which is more attractive to female birds.

This could tie into a lesson on vocal health by helping explain the effects of overuse of our voices on voice quality and how pushing too much makes us sound worse. If you are doing any FAME stuff this year, this would tie well into the recycling/environmental theme.

Just thought this was cute so I’d share!

Lisa Christman

Music Teacher, Franke Park Elementary

Lesson Plans

Art and music examples and lesson plans

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